.Ch "Errors in RFC 1036"
.Ix "RFC 1036" errors
RFC 1036,
the standard
.I "du jour"
for the format of Usenet (netnews) messages
contains significant errors,
enumerated below.
References are made to
RFC 850,
.Ix "RFC 850"
the previous netnews message format standard,
and also to RFC 822,
.Ix "RFC 822"
the mail message format standard
(which, note, has been slightly amended by RFC 1123).
.Ix "RFC 1123"
Header order insignificant
.Ix "header order"
RFC 850
RFC 1036,
a sentence stating that the order of message headers is insignificant
has fallen out of the standard.
This may be a reflection of the reality that
B 2.10
news did indeed care about the order
.B From:
.B Path: .
.Ix "Re: "
``Re:'' is only three characters
One sees the contradiction
``the four characters "Re:"''
there should be a space after the colon.
.Ix cmsg
cmsg incorrectly described
RFC 1036
claims that a
.B Subject:
prefix of
will be interpreted as denoting a control message;
the correct prefix is
``cmsg\ ''
(including a space).
Xref is transmitted
.Ix Xref:
RFC 1036
says that
.B Xref:
headers should not be transmitted,
yet they are stored on disk as part of message headers,
so they will be transmitted by both B and C news.
The standard appears to be too strict.
.Ix "cancel propagation"
.Ix "control messages" cancel
cancels should propagate always
RFC 1036
says that
.I cancel
control messages should stop propagating if the receiving system
is ``unable to cancel the message as requested''.
It is not clear what this means,
given that modern news systems hang
onto cancellations for not-yet-seen articles in hopes of being able
to cancel them in the future.
B 2.11 interprets absence of the target article as ``unable to cancel''.
It would improve the efficacy and reliability of
to propagate them anyway,
given that feed anomalies are widespread.
There have been verified instances in which cancellations did not achieve
anywhere near the propagation of the original article.
In the interests of robustness,
C News interprets absence of the target article as deferred cancellation
rather than failure to cancel,
and propagates the
.Ix "cancel validation"
.Ix "control messages" cancel
cancel validation
RFC 1036 requires that a
.I cancel
message have a
.B Sender:
.B From:
header matching the message it is cancelling.
It is not entirely clear from the text whether this restriction is supposed
to be enforced at the originating site or at each receiving site,
although the latter is implied.
More seriously,
it is not clear what ``matching'' means in this context,
that a substantial fraction of the information in such lines is typically
in RFC 822 comments.
There is an unfortunate tradition of news readers generating
header comments in varying ways.
There is also a lot of obsolete or misdesigned
news software still operational,
and some of it gratuitously
alters the header comments
(and sometimes even the non-comment parts of the headers!)
in messages passing through.
While theoretically these complications should affect the original and
the cancellation identically,
in practice this is not consistently so,
and it is difficult to generate a cancellation that works dependably.
This is not just speculation;
there are verified cases of the originators
of messages having considerable difficulty cancelling them when it was
important to do so.
The value of RFC 1036 authentication is also somewhat questionable.
It provides no useful security against malice,
because news is so easy to forge.
While there is some value in preventing accidents,
there is room for
doubt as to whether this is worth
the interference with legitimate cancellations.
C News
takes the position that the RFC 1036 approach to authentication is
impossible to implement in a practical way,
due to its vagueness and the
prevalence of gratuitous and unpredictable header rewriting,
and on balance the inability to cancel is worse than the largely-illusory
security provided.
C News
therefore does not authenticate cancellations.
Doing something about the problem is difficult.
Specification of a
.I precise
algorithm for header matching would help,
but finding one that
will disregard gratuitous header mangling is hard.
A more appealing approach would be to authenticate cancellations
by cryptographic means,
.Ix authentication
.Ix cryptography
but there are severe difficulties in key distribution
on an unreliable non-real-time network like Usenet,
the cost of checking cryptographic credentials is disturbingly high.
it may be necessary to abandon destructive control messages
or reserve them for rare emergencies and route them through a
trusted moderator for cryptographic authentication.
ihave/sendme not documented
.Ix ihave/sendme
The description of the ihave/sendme protocol is so vague
as to be useless to an implementor.
See the
C news
documentation for an adequate description of the protocol.
The description in
RFC 1036
also contains an error:
.I remotesys
is not optional;
given that there may be multiple message-ids preceding it,
there would be no way
(other than ad-hocery)
to tell if the final argument were a message-id
or a
.I remotesys .
Case-sensitivity in message-ids
.Ix Message-IDs
RFC 1036 says nothing about whether message-ids are case-sensitive or not,
thereby punting the issue to RFC 822.
The RFC 822 rules are horrendously complex and no news system has ever
implemented them correctly.
(B 2.10
considers them fully case-sensitive,
which is wrong.
B 2.11
considers them fully case-insensitive,
which is also wrong.
C News
gets the normal case right,
but correct handling of certain
obscure RFC 822 constructs would
require a complex parsing algorithm;
the cases where this
matters appear to be extremely rare.)
Simplification appears necessary.
New headers
The B news
.B Supersedes:
.Ix Supersedes:
header needs to be documented in the next revision of the RFC,
as does the C news generalisation,
.B Also-Control:
.Ix Also-Control:
.I relaynews (8)).
.Ix keywords header
.Ix "header keywords"
Section 2 says that a header begins with a ``keyword'' as the header name.
RFC 1036 never defines what a keyword is,
and RFC 822 does not use the term.
``Keyword'' here must be considered an informal term with no precise meaning,
imposing no additional restrictions on header syntax.
In particular,
things like ``>from:\ foo@bar'',
which causes B News to choke,
appear to be legal RFC 822
(and hence 1036) headers.
(Before quoting lexical rules,
such as the requirement for balancing brackets,
note that the 822 lexical rules are context-sensitive.)
Theoretical legality notwithstanding,
such bizarre header names are dubious and unwise practice.
RFC 1036 probably should be tightened up to exclude them.
RFC 822 Comments
.Ix "RFC 822" comments
RFC 1036 section 2 implies,
both in its general discussion and in its
discussion of the ``From:'' header,
that RFC 822 comments are not,
in general,
accepted in RFC 1036 article format.
the point is not made loudly and explicitly,
and some nit-pickers
argue that RFC 1036 permits dubious practices like timezone name comments
in ``Date:'' headers.
This needs to be nailed down in black and white.
C News
takes a strict position on this in cases where it cares about
the contents of headers.
Duplicate Headers
.Ix header duplicates
.Ix "duplicate headers"
RFC 822 requires that at most one ``Date:''
header occur in a message,
and likewise for ``From:'',
although careful reading is needed to discover this.
It permits more than one ``Message-ID:'' or ``Subject:'' header,
and is (of course)
completely silent about ``Newsgroups:'' and ``Path:''.
With the arguable exceptions of ``From:'' and ``Subject:'',
of required headers are highly undesirable in news and cause difficulties
for current implementations.
RFC 1036 vaguely implies that the required headers are expected to be
unique, but never says this.
This needs to be made much more precise.
C News
takes a strict position and rejects articles with duplicate
required headers.