.# Ch --- table of contents entry for chapter heading
.de Ch <heading text>
@[cc]dv 5
@@@[cc]sp 4
@@@[cc]ne 12
@[bf @[cu [1]]][bl]@@@[tc]@[tcpn]
@@@[cc]sp 2
.en Ch
.# CH --- chapter heading with table of contents entry
.de CH <heading text>
@[cc]ch "[1]"
@[cc]Ch "[1]"
.en CH
.# Mh --- table of contents entry for major heading
.de Mh <heading text>
@[cc]dv 5
@@@[cc]ne 8
@[bf [1]][bl]@@@[tc]@[tcpn]
.en Mh
.# MH --- major heading with table of contents entry
.de MH <heading text>
@[cc]mh "[1]"
@[cc]Mh "[1]"
.en MH
.# Sh --- table of contents entry for sub-heading
.de Sh <heading text>
@[cc]dv 5
@@@[cc]ne 4
[bl 3][1][bl]@@@[tc]@[tcpn]
.en Sh
.# SH --- sub-heading with table of contents entry
.de SH <heading text>
@[cc]sh "[1]"
@[cc]Sh "[1]"
.en SH
.# Ph --- table of contents for paragraph heading
.de Ph <heading text>
@[c2]dv 5
[bl 6][1][bl]@@@[tc]@[tcpn]
.en Ph
.# PH --- paragraph heading with table of contents entry
.de PH <heading text>
@[cc]ph "[1]"
@[cc]Ph "[1]"
.en PH
.# TP --- begin title page
.de TP
@[cc]sp 12
@[cc]ce 100
@[cc]bf 100
.en TP
.# AU --- begin authors' names on title page
.de AU
@[cc]bf 0
@[cc]sp 12
.en AU
.# PD --- enter publication date on title page
.de PD <publication_date>
@[cc]sp 12
School of Information and Computer Science
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia  30332
@[cc]sp 2
@[cc]ce 0
@[cc]bp 1
.en PD
.# TC --- generate table of contents
.de TC
@[cc]bp 2
@[cc]fo ..- @@@[rn @@@[pn]] -..
@[cc]ti @[in]
@[cc]rm -6
@[cc]ta @[rm]
@[cc]rm +6
@[cc]rc .
@[cc]so 5
.en TC
.# ch --- chapter heading
.de ch <heading text>
@[bf @[cu [1]]]
@[cc]sp 3
.en ch
.# mh --- major heading
.de mh <heading text>
@[cc]sp 3
@[cc]ne 8
@[bf [1]]
.en mh
.# sh --- sub-heading
.de sh <heading text>
@[cc]ti @[in]
@[cc]sp 2
@[cc]ne 4
@[bf [1]]
.en sh
.# ph --- paragraph heading
.de ph <heading text>
@[ul [1]].
.en ph
.# pp --- begin paragraph
.de pp
@[cc]ti @[in]
@[cc]ne 2
@[cc]ti +5
.en pp
.# bq --- begin indented quotation
.de bq [<length_of_quote>]
@[cc]ne 2
@[cc]in +5
@[cc]rm -5
@[cc]lt +5
.en bq
.# eq --- end indented quotation
.de eq
@[cc]in -5
@[cc]rm +5
.en eq
.# be --- begin example text
.de be [<length_of_example>]
@[cc]ne 2
@[cc]ne [1]
@[cc]in +10
.en be
.# ee --- end example text
.de ee
@[cc]in -10
.en ee
.# ep --- skip to an even page boundary
.de ep
@[cc]ps 2 2
.en ep
.# op --- skip to an odd page boundary
.de op
@[cc]ps 1 2
.en op
.# HI --- hanging indent with text in margin
.de HI <margin width> <margin text>
.ne 4
.ti -[1]
.en HI
.de op
.ne 5
.SH "[1]"
.en op
.de bd
.en bd
.de bx
.en bx
.de ex
.en ex
.de ix
.ne 2
.en ix