.mh "Foreword" The Georgia Tech C compiler and run time support library provide a C programming environment on Prime computer systems. The Georgia Tech C Compiler runs under and [bf requires] the Georgia Tech Software Tools Subsystem, Version 9 or later. Both run on PRIME 400, 500 and 50-series computers. .pp This guide documents the second version of the Georgia Tech C compiler and run time library which is released with Version 9 of the Software Tools Subsystem. The eight chapters of this guide .sp .in +9 .ti -3 1)[bl]explain the use of the compiler, .ti -3 2)[bl]describe the machine-dependent features of the implementation, .ti -3 3)[bl]describe the compile time environment provided, .ti -3 4)[bl]detail the behavior of the run time package, .ti -3 5)[bl]enumerate problems of conversion from other systems, .ti -3 6)[bl]document known compiler bugs and shortcomings, .ti -3 7)[bl]provide some technical information on the implementation and performane of the C compiler, and .ti -3 8)[bl]outline actions necessary to manage the C system. .in -9 .pp A complete description of C can be found in [ul The C Programming Language] by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie (Prentice-Hall, 1978). Further information on individual commands in the C system can be obtained from the [ul Software Tools Subsystem Reference Manual], accessible both on paper and through the Subsystem 'help' command. The C run time library is only documented here. There are no 'help' entries for the individual subroutines. .pp Wherever a routine or facility has been changed from the first release of the C compiler, it will be explicitly noted as such. .pp It is to be noted that wherever it appears in this document, the term "Unix" is a trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories, Inc. .fo ``- vi -``