.rs .sp 6 .mh Foreword .fo ""- [rn [pn]] -"" 'Ed' is an interactive program that can be used for the creation and modification of "text." "Text" may be any collection of character data, such as a report, a program, or data to be used by a program. .pp This document is intended to provide the beginning user of 'ed' with a tutorial, an aid to becoming familiar with editing. It does not attempt to cover the editor in full; only the most frequently used aspects are mentioned. For details on advanced uses, a careful reading of [ul Software Tools] and the [ul Software Tools Subsystem Reference Manual] is recommended. .sh "How To Use This Guide" This tutorial includes a step-by-step journey through an editing session. You should be sitting at a terminal and running the Software Tools Subsystem, so that you can perform the suggested exercises as you go. .pp Throughout the text of this guide are sample editing commands, which you can execute on your terminal to get a feel for their actual effect. If at any time your terminal session produces results different from those shown in the text, carefully re-check what you have typed, or consult someone in charge of your installation.