.CH "Foreword" Although the School of Information and Computer Science has operated Prime 400 and 550 computers for over four years, as yet there has been no successful local attempt to produce a compiler for them. The main reasons for this failure are the irregularity of the architecture and existing system software, the complexity of Prime's standard object code format, and the lack of documentation on matters of importance to compiler writers. .pp This paper discusses the design, implementation, and usage of a re-usable code generator. This program can serve as a common "back-end" for a number of language translators, producing 64V-mode assembly language code suitable for execution on the P400 and higher numbered processors in Prime's "50" series. Furthermore, it could be tailored to match specific front-ends, when needs for special optimizations arise. .pp A preliminary version of the code generator is available for general use. .EV .fo //- # -//