define (COMPILER_DEFS,"comp_def.i") # csubc --- Prime DBMS Cobol subschema compiler interface include ARGUMENT_DEFS include COMPILER_DEFS # options understood by CSUBS, exclusive of file manipulation: define (ERRLIST,1) # table of CSUBS options, their current state, their default value, # and their text representation: string_table cpos, ctab _ / ERRLIST, NO, NO, "tr 020000" # table of interface options, minimum and maximum levels, default level, # restricted minimum and maximum levels, selected level, effects # on compiler options, and restrictions on other interface options. string_table ipos, itab _ / V_OPT, 0, 1, 1, UNDEFINED, UNDEFINED, UNDEFINED, LEVEL, 0, SELECT, ERRLIST, END_OF_LEVEL, LEVEL, 1, DESELECT, ERRLIST, END_OF_LEVEL, END_OF_OPTION ARG_DECL character inpf (MAXPATH), listf (MAXPATH), binf (MAXPATH) integer i integer comopt, comfn, parscl, equal if (parscl ("v<oi> l<os>z<os>"s, ARG_BUF) ~= OK) { call error ("Usage: csubc {-v[<level>]} <file> " _ "{-l [<file>]} [-z <string>]"p) } ARG_DEFAULT_STR (l, ""s) # set the default listing file name ARG_DEFAULT_STR (b, ""s) # set the default output file name if (comopt (ARG_BUF, cpos, ctab, ipos, itab) == ERR || comfn (ARG_BUF, inpf, ".csub"s, listf, ".l"s, binf, ""s) == ERR) { call seterr (1000) stop } if (equal (listf, "no"s) == YES || equal (listf, "tty"s) == YES || equal (listf, "spool"s) == YES) call error ("Sorry, listing must go to a disk file"p) call print (STDOUT, "csubs -i *s -l *s"p, inpf, listf) for (i = 1; i <= cpos (1); i += 1) if (CURRENT_STATE (cpos (i + 1)) == YES && DEFAULT_STATE (cpos (i + 1)) == NO) call print (STDOUT, " -*s"p, REPRESENTATION (cpos (i + 1))) if (ARG_PRESENT (z)) call print (STDOUT, " *s"p, ARG_TEXT (z)) call putch (NEWLINE, STDOUT) stop end include "comp_sub.r.i"