##########Begin commonblocks########## common /cdefio/ bp, buf(BUFSIZE) integer bp # next available character; init = 0 character buf # pushed-back characters common /cfor/ fordep, forstk(MAXFORSTK) integer fordep # current depth of for statements character forstk # stack of reinit strings common /cline/ level, linect(NFILES), infile(NFILES) integer level, # level of file inclusion; init = 1 linect, # line count on input file(level); init = 1 infile # file number(level); init infile(1) = STDIN common /coutln/ outfil, outp, outbuf(MAXLINE) integer outfil, # output file descriptor outp # last position filled in outbuf; init = 0 character outbuf # output lines collected here common /csym/ symtbl(MAXSYM), nextsy integer symtbl, # symbol table for holding unique names nextsy # next available position in symtbl common /ccase/ csp, cstack(MAXCASENEST), ctop, clab(MAXCASELAB) integer csp, # case stack depth; init = 0 cstack, # start of level in clab ctop, # next avail in clab; init = 0 clab # case labels and variables common /ctrace/ spname, time_profile, in_declarations, spnum, dictionary, program_trace, stc_profile character spname (MAXTOK) # last subprogram name, for trace integer time_profile, # YES if time profile is desired program_trace, # YES if trace is desired in_declarations, # YES if trace code is to be output spnum, # subprogram number dictionary, # fd of dictionary file for postprocessor stc_profile # YES if statement count is to be performed common /cstr/ strbuf(MAXSTRING), strtop integer strbuf, # buffer for string declarations strtop # pointer to last used strbuf position common /tabcom/ def_table, keyword_table pointer def_table, # symbol table for 'define's keyword_table # symbol table for Ratfor keywords common /typcom/ type character type (MAXCHARVAL_P_1) # character type array # (replaces K&P's 'type' function) common /DS$MEM/ mem untyped mem (MEMSIZE) # dynamic storage space ##########End commonblocks##########