/* memcmp --- similar to strncmp */

/*  File   : memcmp.c
    Author : Richard A. O'Keefe.
    Updated: 25 May 1984
    Defines: memcmp()

    Edited for GT C by Arnold Robbins, 1 August 1984

    memcmp(lhs, rhs, len)
    compares the two memory areas lhs[0..len-1]  ??  rhs[0..len-1].   It
    returns  an integer less than, equal to, or greater than 0 according
    as lhs[-] is lexicographically less than, equal to, or greater  than
    rhs[-].  Note  that this is not at all the same as bcmp, which tells
    you *where* the difference is but not what.

    Note:  suppose we have int x, y;  then memcmp(&x, &y, sizeof x) need
    not bear any relation to x-y.  This is because byte order is machine
    dependent, and also, some machines have integer representations that
    are shorter than a machine word and two equal  integers  might  have
    different  values  in the spare bits.  On a ones complement machine,
    -0 == 0, but the bit patterns are different.

int memcmp(lhs, rhs, len)
char *lhs, *rhs;
int len;
        while (--len >= 0)
                if (*lhs++ != *rhs++)
                        return lhs[-1] - rhs[-1];
        return 0;