/* sprintf --- do formatted memory to memory conversion */ /* */ /* sprintf (str, control, arg1, arg2, ...) */ /* in control str conversion fields are */ /* % (start of conversion specifier) */ /* optional flag, one of */ /* - + <blank> # */ /* optional decimal width value ('*' val from arg) */ /* optional period */ /* optional decimal precision value ('*' from arg) */ /* optional long int designation ('l') */ /* (recognize and ignore 'h') */ /* conversion designator, one of */ /* d o u x X f e E g G c s % */ /* */ /* any other characters are copied to the str from */ /* control directly. */ /* */ /********************************************************/ /* WARNING: Number of arguments MUST match number of */ /* fields specified in the control string. */ /********************************************************/ /* ** Go through control string and arguments, using encode to build ** temporary formatted strings, copying the results into the final ** string. */ /* ** The defining or not defining of DEBUG controls whether or ** the debug(x) statements are compiled in. This device is ** very useful for debugging code, without having to worry ** about putting code in and out of comments */ #include <debug.h> /* macro for getting a given argument */ #define assign(p) switch (argno) { \ case 1: p = arg1; break; \ case 2: p = arg2; break; \ case 3: p = arg3; break; \ case 4: p = arg4; break; \ case 5: p = arg5; break; \ case 6: p = arg6; break; \ case 7: p = arg7; break; \ case 8: p = arg8; break; \ case 9: p = arg9; break; \ case 10: p = arg10; break; \ default: debug(fprintf(stderr,"sprintf: tried to use > 10 args\n"));return (EOF);} #define BOMB() if (1) { string[s_in] = '\0'; return (EOF); } else sprintf (string, control, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10) char *string; char *control; char *arg1, *arg2, *arg3, *arg4, *arg5, *arg6, *arg7, *arg8, *arg9, *arg10; { int left_justify; int signed_output; /* number is always signed (pos no has +) */ int prefix_blank; /* put a blank in front of pos no's */ int alternate_form; /* see printf doc... */ int is_long; /* long int (floats always double) */ int is_negative; /* negative number */ int is_unsigned; /* use unsigned notation */ int use_shortest; /* 'g' --- shortest of 'e' & 'f' */ int no_point; /* no decimal point in floating pt */ char swtcontrol [MAXLINE]; /* encode string */ char width[MAXLINE]; /* field width */ char prec[MAXLINE]; /* precision */ char fill; /* padding char */ char conv; /* conv specifier */ char *argp; /* current argument */ int argno = 0; /* current arg number */ char result [MAXLINE]; /* temp str for encode */ char result2 [MAXLINE]; char *cp; int s_in; /* index into dest string */ int c_in; /* index into control string */ int i, j, k; int base; /* converting to base 8, 10, 16 */ s_in = 0; for (c_in = 0; control[c_in] != '\0'; c_in++) { /* set defaults */ fill = ' '; width[0] = prec[0] = '\0'; left_justify = signed_output = prefix_blank = alternate_form = is_long = is_negative = is_unsigned = use_shortest = no_point = FALSE; base = 8; /* will be added to as necessary */ if (control[c_in] != '%' && control[c_in] != '\0') { string[s_in++] = control[c_in]; /* copy literal characters */ continue; /* get the next character in the string */ } if (control[c_in] == '\0') break; /* else just saw a '%' */ c_in++; /* skip leading '%' */ argno++; /* get next arg */ /* control flag */ switch (control[c_in]) { case '-': left_justify = TRUE; c_in++; break; case '+': signed_output = TRUE; c_in++; break; case ' ': prefix_blank = TRUE; c_in++; break; case '#': alternate_form = TRUE; c_in++; break; case '\0': /* error!! */ BOMB(); break; default: break; } /* field width */ if (control[c_in] == '*') /* get from arg */ { assign (argp); itoc (*argp, width, sizeof (width)); c_in++; argno++; /* to get proper arg */ } else if (control[c_in] == '-') /* negative width no good */ c_in++; if (isdigit (control[c_in])) { for (i = 0; isdigit (control[c_in]); i++) width[i] = control[c_in++]; width[i] = '\0'; } if (control[c_in] == '\0') BOMB(); else if (control[c_in] == '.') { c_in++; /* precision */ if (control[c_in] == '*') /* get from arg */ { assign (argp); itoc (*argp, prec, sizeof (prec)); c_in++; argno++; /* to get proper arg */ } else if (isdigit (control[c_in])) { for (i = 0; isdigit (control[c_in]); i++) prec[i] = control[c_in++]; prec[i] = '\0'; } else prec[0] = '\0'; } if (control[c_in] == '\0') BOMB(); if (control[c_in] == 'l') /* long arg */ { is_long = TRUE; c_in++; } else if (control[c_in] == 'h') c_in++; /* ignore it */ /* for compatibility with earlier printf's */ /* a leading 0 in the width means fill with 0's */ if (width[0] == '0') fill = '0'; conv = control[c_in]; /* do not increment c_in, that is done by for loop */ assign (argp); /* do only once */ switch (conv) { case '%': string[s_in++] = '%'; break; case 'c': string[s_in++] = (char) *argp; break; case 'x': case 'X': base += 6; case 'u': case 'd': base += 2; case 'o': is_unsigned = (conv != 'd'); i = 0; encode(swtcontrol, MAXLINE, "*s*s,*i*s*c", left_justify ? "*-" : "*", width, /* if empty will print nothing */ is_unsigned ? -base : base, fill == '0' ? ",0" : "", is_long ? 'l' : 'i'); encode (result, MAXLINE, swtcontrol, argp); if (! is_unsigned) /* signed conversion */ { if (signed_output && result[0] != '-') string[s_in++] = '+'; else if (prefix_blank) string[s_in++] = ' '; } else if (alternate_form && conv != 'u') { /* octal or hex */ string[s_in++] = '0'; if (tolower (conv) == 'x') string[s_in++] = conv; } if (conv == 'X') mapstr (result, UPPER); for (i = 0; result[i] != '\0'; i++) string[s_in++] = result[i]; break; case 's': if (argp == NULL) break; /* null string */ i = encode (swtcontrol, MAXLINE, "*s*s", left_justify ? "*" : "*-", width); if (prec[0] != '\0') { swtcontrol[i++] = ','; for (j = 0; prec[j] != '\0'; j++) swtcontrol[i++] = prec[j]; } swtcontrol[i++] = 's'; swtcontrol[i] = '\0'; encode (result, MAXLINE, swtcontrol, * argp); for (i = 0; result[i] != '\0'; i++) string[s_in++] = result[i]; break; case 'g': case 'G': use_shortest = TRUE; case 'e': case 'E': case 'f': if (prec[0] == '\0') { prec[0] = '6'; prec[1] = '\0'; } else if (ctoi (prec, (j = 1, &j)) == 0) no_point = TRUE; encode (swtcontrol, MAXLINE, "*s*s,*sd", left_justify ? "*" : "*-", width, prec); /* f format */ i = encode (result, MAXLINE, swtcontrol, argp); encode (swtcontrol, MAXLINE, "*s*s,-*sd", left_justify ? "*" : "*-", width, prec); /* e format */ j = encode (result2, MAXLINE, swtcontrol, argp); if (use_shortest) { if (i <= j) conv = 'f'; else conv = 'e'; } if (conv == 'f') cp = result; else { i = j; cp = result2; } /* cp will be string, i length */ if (signed_output && cp[0] != '-') string[s_in++] = '+'; else if (prefix_blank) string[s_in++] = ' '; if (isupper (conv)) mapstr (cp, UPPER); else mapstr (cp, LOWER); /* copy first part of number */ j = 0; if (cp[j] == '-') string[s_in++] = cp[j++]; for (; isdigit (cp[j]); j++) string[s_in++] = cp[j]; if (alternate_form) /* keep decimal point */ { if (cp[j] == '.' && no_point) { string[s_in++] = cp[j]; for (j++; isdigit (cp[j]); j++) ; } /* else fall thru to copy all of it */ } else if (no_point) { if (cp[j] == '.') for (j++; isdigit (cp[j]); j++) ; } /* copy the rest of it */ for (; cp[j] != '\0'; j++) string[s_in++] = cp[j]; break; case '\0': BOMB(); break; default: /* treat like a string with the char in it */ i = encode (swtcontrol, MAXLINE, "*s*s", left_justify ? "*" : "*-", width); if (prec[0] != '\0') { swtcontrol[i++] = ','; for (j = 0; prec[j] != '\0'; j++) swtcontrol[i++] = prec[j]; } swtcontrol[i++] = 's'; swtcontrol[i] = '\0'; result2[0] = conv; result2[1] = '\0'; /* use as temp buf */ encode (result, MAXLINE, swtcontrol, result2); for (i = 0; result[i] != '\0'; i++) string[s_in++] = result[i]; break; } } /* normal exit */ string[s_in] = '\0'; return (--s_in); }