I have no idea what versions are what here. Each directory is an archive which was sent to me, or which I found on the 'net. Any help in sorting this out would be much appreciated! Coherent1 comes from http://ftp.mayn.de/pub/coherent Coherent2 comes from ftp://ftp.demon.co.uk/pub/coherent/ Coherent3 comes from Ryan M.Blair <blairrya@msu.edu> Coherent4 comes from Paul Ward <asmodai@ao.mine.nu> Cornelius Keck <ckeck@mail.keck.cx> writes: ftp.mayn.de used to serve the stuff, but it they switched servers, and it looks as if their archives are still high&dry. Planetmirror pleads amnesia.I grabbed a copy of mayn's coherent tree last April, some 2GB tgz'd. This is the complete Coherent installation, in form of a copy of .dd floppy images, and some additional pieces. Unfortunately I don't have any FTP server set up anywhere, so do you, by chance, have a place where I can drop it off? I don't have 2G of spare disk space :-) Warren, Feb 2004.