Subject: sysctl(2) string handling error (#475)
Index:	 src/sys/sys/kern_sysctl.c src/ucb/top/top.c

	According to sysctl documentation if the destination space for a 
	string being retrieved is shorter than the actual string in the 
	kernel  the system call will return as much of the string as 
	possible and return ENOMEM.

	In reality no data at all is copied out - but ENOMEM is returned.

	Set a hostname of more than 9 characters and run top(1). top(1) is 
	supposed to print the hostname in the upper left corner but it becomes 
	a null string if the hostname was 8 or more characters.

1. top allowing a host name of up to 10 characters are actually a bit too
   much to fit on the screen. So the displayed length was reduced to 7 
   characters.  Also if there is a period in the string the string is 
   terminated at the period.

2. Fix sysctl() to actually copy out as much of the string as fits.
   Error is still ENOMEM in this case.

   In the words of the patch author: Johnny Billquist <>:

      "sysctl ... now pretty much works the same as NetBSD, which I think is 
      also how other systems do.

      For most programs it won't make a difference, however, the behavior is 
      different from before if the output buffer is smaller than the amount of 
      data available. It now always returns, in oldlen, the actual size of the 
      source of the data, so in this case it is not the amount copied out.
      Also, if the data was truncated, errno is set to ENOMEM, so a program 
      can both see if the data was truncated, know how large the original data 
      was, and process whatever it did get."

   The alternative would have been to update the documentation ;)
	To apply this patch cut where indicated and save to /tmp/475.patch


	cd /
	patch -p0 < /tmp/475.patch

	cd /usr/src/ucb/top
	make install
	make clean

	# a kernel recompile/reboot is necessary.   if you maintain a GENERIC
	# kernel then recompile that kernel also

   This and previous updates to 2.11BSD are available at these locations:

---------------------------cut here--------------------
*** usr/src/ucb/top/top.c.old	Mon Aug 30 08:18:54 2021
--- usr/src/ucb/top/top.c	Sun Aug 28 06:46:40 2022
*** 23,29 ****
   * 06 29/08/2021 Changed and corrected uptime calculation.        bqt
   *               Changed header layout.
   *               Added %cpu time to header.
!  *
   * Using RAW removes the need for signal processing, but adds a requirement
--- 23,29 ----
   * 06 29/08/2021 Changed and corrected uptime calculation.        bqt
   *               Changed header layout.
   *               Added %cpu time to header.
!  * 07 26/8/2022  Truncate hostname by first period or 7 char.     bqt
   * Using RAW removes the need for signal processing, but adds a requirement
*** 36,41 ****
--- 36,42 ----
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <unistd.h>	/* usleep */
  #include <stdlib.h>	/* getopt */
+ #include <string.h>
  #include <sys/param.h>	/* NGROUPS */
  #include <sys/sysctl.h>	/* boottime,.. */
  #include <ctype.h>	/* isdigit */
*** 137,143 ****
  LOCAL struct utmp	utmp;
  LOCAL int		nusers;
  LOCAL double		avenrun[3];
! LOCAL char		host[10];
  LOCAL struct  map_s
--- 138,144 ----
  LOCAL struct utmp	utmp;
  LOCAL int		nusers;
  LOCAL double		avenrun[3];
! LOCAL char		host[8];
  LOCAL struct  map_s
*** 1263,1268 ****
--- 1264,1270 ----
  	int 	status = 0;
  	char	ch;
+ 	char	*p;
  	if (argc < 2)
*** 1309,1314 ****
--- 1311,1317 ----
  	gethostname(host, sizeof(host)-1);
  	host[sizeof(host)-1] = 0;
+ 	if (p = strchr(host, '.')) *p = 0;
  	if(config_tty(1) < 0)
*** usr/src/sys/sys/kern_sysctl.c.old	Thu Mar  5 22:10:34 2020
--- usr/src/sys/sys/kern_sysctl.c	Sun Aug 28 06:46:40 2022
*** 33,39 ****
!  *	@(#)kern_sysctl.c	8.6 (2.11BSD) 2020/3/5
--- 33,39 ----
!  *	@(#)kern_sysctl.c	8.7 (2.11BSD) 2022/8/28
*** 94,113 ****
  	register struct sysctl_args *uap = (struct sysctl_args *)u.u_ap;
  	int error;
! 	u_int savelen, oldlen = 0;
  	sysctlfn *fn;
  	int name[CTL_MAXNAME];
  	if (uap->new != NULL && !suser())
! 		return (u.u_error);	/* XXX */
  	 * all top-level sysctl names are non-terminal
  	if (uap->namelen > CTL_MAXNAME || uap->namelen < 2)
  		return (u.u_error = EINVAL);
  	if (error = copyin(uap->name, &name, uap->namelen * sizeof(int)))
  		return (u.u_error = error);
  	switch (name[0]) {
  	case CTL_KERN:
  		fn = kern_sysctl;
--- 94,124 ----
  	register struct sysctl_args *uap = (struct sysctl_args *)u.u_ap;
  	int error;
! 	size_t savelen, oldlen = 0;
  	sysctlfn *fn;
  	int name[CTL_MAXNAME];
+         /*
+          * Only superuser is allowed to change values.
+          */
  	if (uap->new != NULL && !suser())
! 		return (u.u_error = EPERM);	/* XXX */
  	 * all top-level sysctl names are non-terminal
  	if (uap->namelen > CTL_MAXNAME || uap->namelen < 2)
  		return (u.u_error = EINVAL);
+         /*
+          * Get the name path.
+          */
  	if (error = copyin(uap->name, &name, uap->namelen * sizeof(int)))
  		return (u.u_error = error);
+         /*
+          * Find which function to use.
+          */
  	switch (name[0]) {
  	case CTL_KERN:
  		fn = kern_sysctl;
*** 140,148 ****
--- 151,164 ----
  		return (u.u_error = EOPNOTSUPP);
+         /*
+          * Get oldlen
+          */
  	if (uap->oldlenp &&
  	    (error = copyin(uap->oldlenp, &oldlen, sizeof(oldlen))))
  		return (u.u_error = error);
+ 	savelen = oldlen;
  	if (uap->old != NULL) {
  		while (memlock.sl_lock) {
  			memlock.sl_want = 1;
*** 150,159 ****
  		memlock.sl_lock = 1;
- 		savelen = oldlen;
  	error = (*fn)(name + 1, uap->namelen - 1, uap->old, &oldlen,
  	    uap->new, uap->newlen);
  	if (uap->old != NULL) {
  		memlock.sl_lock = 0;
  		if (memlock.sl_want) {
--- 166,179 ----
  		memlock.sl_lock = 1;
+         /*
+          * Get the value
+          */
  	error = (*fn)(name + 1, uap->namelen - 1, uap->old, &oldlen,
  	    uap->new, uap->newlen);
  	if (uap->old != NULL) {
  		memlock.sl_lock = 0;
  		if (memlock.sl_want) {
*** 161,175 ****
! 	if (error)
! 		return (u.u_error = error);
  	if (uap->oldlenp) {
! 		error = copyout(&oldlen, uap->oldlenp, sizeof(oldlen));
! 		if (error)
! 			return(u.u_error = error);
! 	u.u_r.r_val1 = oldlen;
! 	return (0);
--- 181,198 ----
!         /* Always copy out length, if we have one. */
  	if (uap->oldlenp) {
! 		int nerror;
! 		nerror = copyout(&oldlen, uap->oldlenp, sizeof(oldlen));
! 		if (error == 0) error=nerror;
!         if (error == 0 && uap->old != NULL && savelen < oldlen) error = ENOMEM;
! 	if (error == 0) u.u_r.r_val1 = oldlen;
! 	return (u.u_error = error);
*** 185,191 ****
  	int error, level;
  	u_long longhostid;
- 	char bsd[10];
  	extern int Acctthresh;		/* kern_acct.c */
  	extern char version[];
--- 208,213 ----
*** 195,205 ****
  	switch (name[0]) {
  	case KERN_OSTYPE:
! 		bsd[0]='B';bsd[1]='S';bsd[2]='D';bsd[3]='\0';
! 		return (sysctl_rdstring(oldp, oldlenp, newp, bsd));
! 		bsd[0]='2';bsd[1]='.';bsd[2]='1';bsd[3]='1';bsd[4]='\0';
! 		return (sysctl_rdstring(oldp, oldlenp, newp, bsd));
  		level = Acctthresh;
  		error = sysctl_int(oldp, oldlenp, newp, newlen, &level);
--- 217,225 ----
  	switch (name[0]) {
  	case KERN_OSTYPE:
! 		return (sysctl_rdstring(oldp, oldlenp, newp, "BSD"));
! 		return (sysctl_rdstring(oldp, oldlenp, newp, "2.11"));
  		level = Acctthresh;
  		error = sysctl_int(oldp, oldlenp, newp, newlen, &level);
*** 485,499 ****
  	int error = 0;
- 	if (oldp && *oldlenp < sizeof(int))
- 		return (ENOMEM);
  	if (newp && newlen != sizeof(int))
  		return (EINVAL);
- 	*oldlenp = sizeof(int);
  	if (oldp)
! 		error = copyout(valp, oldp, sizeof(int));
  	if (error == 0 && newp)
  		error = copyin(newp, valp, sizeof(int));
  	return (error);
--- 505,517 ----
  	int error = 0;
  	if (newp && newlen != sizeof(int))
  		return (EINVAL);
  	if (oldp)
! 		error = copyout(valp, oldp, MIN(sizeof(int),*oldlenp));
  	if (error == 0 && newp)
  		error = copyin(newp, valp, sizeof(int));
+ 	*oldlenp = sizeof(int);
  	return (error);
*** 508,520 ****
  	int error = 0;
- 	if (oldp && *oldlenp < sizeof(int))
- 		return (ENOMEM);
  	if (newp)
  		return (EPERM);
- 	*oldlenp = sizeof(int);
  	if (oldp)
! 		error = copyout((caddr_t)&val, oldp, sizeof(int));
  	return (error);
--- 526,536 ----
  	int error = 0;
  	if (newp)
  		return (EPERM);
  	if (oldp)
! 		error = copyout((caddr_t)&val, oldp, MIN(sizeof(int),*oldlenp));
! 	*oldlenp = sizeof(int);
  	return (error);
*** 531,545 ****
  	int error = 0;
- 	if (oldp && *oldlenp < sizeof(long))
- 		return (ENOMEM);
  	if (newp && newlen != sizeof(long))
  		return (EINVAL);
- 	*oldlenp = sizeof(long);
  	if (oldp)
! 		error = copyout(valp, oldp, sizeof(long));
  	if (error == 0 && newp)
  		error = copyin(newp, valp, sizeof(long));
  	return (error);
--- 547,559 ----
  	int error = 0;
  	if (newp && newlen != sizeof(long))
  		return (EINVAL);
  	if (oldp)
! 		error = copyout(valp, oldp, MIN(sizeof(long),*oldlenp));
  	if (error == 0 && newp)
  		error = copyin(newp, valp, sizeof(long));
+ 	*oldlenp = sizeof(long);
  	return (error);
*** 554,566 ****
  	int error = 0;
- 	if (oldp && *oldlenp < sizeof(long))
- 		return (ENOMEM);
  	if (newp)
  		return (EPERM);
- 	*oldlenp = sizeof(long);
  	if (oldp)
! 		error = copyout((caddr_t)&val, oldp, sizeof(long));
  	return (error);
--- 568,578 ----
  	int error = 0;
  	if (newp)
  		return (EPERM);
  	if (oldp)
! 		error = copyout((caddr_t)&val, oldp, MIN(sizeof(long), *oldlenp));
! 	*oldlenp = sizeof(long);
  	return (error);
*** 579,596 ****
  	int len, error = 0;
  	len = strlen(str) + 1;
- 	if (oldp && *oldlenp < len)
- 		return (ENOMEM);
  	if (newp && newlen >= maxlen)
  		return (EINVAL);
  	if (oldp) {
! 		*oldlenp = len;
! 		error = vcopyout(str, oldp, len);
  	if (error == 0 && newp) {
  		error = vcopyin(newp, str, newlen);
  		str[newlen] = 0;
  	return (error);
--- 591,606 ----
  	int len, error = 0;
  	len = strlen(str) + 1;
  	if (newp && newlen >= maxlen)
  		return (EINVAL);
  	if (oldp) {
! 		error = vcopyout(str, oldp, MIN(len, *oldlenp));
  	if (error == 0 && newp) {
  		error = vcopyin(newp, str, newlen);
  		str[newlen] = 0;
+ 	*oldlenp = len;
  	return (error);
*** 606,618 ****
  	int len, error = 0;
  	len = strlen(str) + 1;
- 	if (oldp && *oldlenp < len)
- 		return (ENOMEM);
  	if (newp)
  		return (EPERM);
- 	*oldlenp = len;
  	if (oldp)
! 		error = vcopyout(str, oldp, len);
  	return (error);
--- 616,626 ----
  	int len, error = 0;
  	len = strlen(str) + 1;
  	if (newp)
  		return (EPERM);
  	if (oldp)
! 		error = vcopyout(str, oldp, MIN(len, *oldlenp));
! 	*oldlenp = len;
  	return (error);
*** 630,645 ****
  	int error = 0;
- 	if (oldp && *oldlenp < len)
- 		return (ENOMEM);
  	if (newp && newlen > len)
  		return (EINVAL);
  	if (oldp) {
! 		*oldlenp = len;
! 		error = copyout(sp, oldp, len);
  	if (error == 0 && newp)
  		error = copyin(newp, sp, len);
  	return (error);
--- 638,651 ----
  	int error = 0;
  	if (newp && newlen > len)
  		return (EINVAL);
  	if (oldp) {
! 		error = copyout(sp, oldp, MIN(len, *oldlenp));
  	if (error == 0 && newp)
  		error = copyin(newp, sp, len);
+ 	*oldlenp = len;
  	return (error);
*** 655,667 ****
  	int error = 0;
- 	if (oldp && *oldlenp < len)
- 		return (ENOMEM);
  	if (newp)
  		return (EPERM);
- 	*oldlenp = len;
  	if (oldp)
! 		error = copyout(sp, oldp, len);
  	return (error);
--- 661,671 ----
  	int error = 0;
  	if (newp)
  		return (EPERM);
  	if (oldp)
! 		error = copyout(sp, oldp, MIN(len, *oldlenp));
! 	*oldlenp = len;
  	return (error);
*** VERSION.old	Thu Aug 18 07:13:00 2022
--- VERSION	Sun Aug 28 16:29:13 2022
*** 1,5 ****
! Current Patch Level: 474
! Date: August 23, 2022
  2.11 BSD
--- 1,5 ----
! Current Patch Level: 475
! Date: August 28, 2022
  2.11 BSD