/ RX50 bootstrap / / disk boot program to load and transfer / to a unix entry. / for use with 1 KB byte blocks, CLSIZE is 2. / NDIRIN is the number of direct inode addresses (currently 4) / assembled size must be <= 512; if > 494, the 16-byte a.out header / must be removed / options: nohead = 1 / 0->normal, 1->this boot must have a.out / header removed. Saves 10 bytes. readname= 0 / 1->normal, if default not found, read name / from console. 0->loop on failure, saves 36 bytes prompt = 0 / 1->prompt ('>') before reading from console / 0-> no prompt, saves 8 bytes autoboot= 1 / 1->code for autoboot. 0->no autoboot, saves 12 bytes putname = 0 / 1->print file name on console. 0->do not, saves xx tree = 0 / 1->can search path 0->root dir only / constants: CLSIZE = 2. / physical disk blocks per logical block CLSHFT = 1. / shift to multiply by CLSIZE BSIZE = 512.*CLSIZE / logical block size INOSIZ = 64. / size of inode in bytes NDIRIN = 4. / number of direct inode addresses ADDROFF = 12. / offset of first address in inode INOPB = BSIZE\/INOSIZ / inodes per logical block INOFF = 31. / inode offset = (INOPB * (SUPERB+1)) - 1 WC = -256.*CLSIZE / word count / The boot options and device are placed in the last SZFLAGS bytes / at the end of core by the kernel if this is an autoboot. ENDCORE= 160000 / end of core, mem. management off SZFLAGS= 6 / size of boot flags BOOTOPTS= 2 / location of options, bytes below ENDCORE BOOTDEV= 4 CHECKWORD= 6 .. = ENDCORE-512.-SZFLAGS / save room for boot flags / entry is made by jsr pc,*$0 / so return can be rts pc / establish sp, copy / program up to end of core. start: mov $..,sp mov sp,r1 mov $20,r0 / This skips over 8 word header dummy.s 1: mov (r0)+,(r1)+ cmp r1,$end blo 1b jmp *$2f / On error, restart from here. restart: / clear core to make things clean clr r0 2: clr (r0)+ cmp r0,sp blo 2b / test for console terminal tstb *$tps blt 0f inc nottflg 0: / at origin, read pathname .if prompt mov $'>, r0 jsr pc, putc .endif / spread out in array 'names', one / component every 14 bytes. mov $names,r1 1: mov r1,r2 2: jsr pc,getc cmp r0,$'\r beq 1f .if tree cmp r0,$'/ beq 3f .endif movb r0,(r2)+ br 2b .if tree 3: cmp r1,r2 beq 2b add $14.,r1 br 1b .endif / now start reading the inodes / starting at the root and / going through directories 1: mov $names,r1 mov $2,r0 1: clr bno jsr pc,iget tst (r1) beq 1f 2: jsr pc,rmblk br restart mov $buf,r2 3: mov r1,r3 mov r2,r4 add $16.,r2 tst (r4)+ beq 5f 4: cmpb (r3)+,(r4)+ bne 5f cmp r4,r2 blo 4b mov -16.(r2),r0 add $14.,r1 br 1b 5: cmp r2,$buf+BSIZE blo 3b br 2b / read file into core until / a mapping error, (no disk address) 1: clr r1 1: jsr pc,rmblk br 1f mov $buf,r2 2: mov (r2)+,(r1)+ cmp r2,$buf+BSIZE blo 2b br 1b / relocate core around / assembler header 1: .if nohead-1 clr r0 cmp (r0),$407 bne 2f 1: mov 20(r0),(r0)+ cmp r0,sp blo 1b .endif / enter program and 2: .if autoboot mov ENDCORE-BOOTOPTS, r4 mov ENDCORE-BOOTDEV, r3 mov ENDCORE-CHECKWORD, r2 / check for valid options and add/create quiet if no console quiet = 200 com r2 cmp r2,r4 bne 0f tst nottflg beq 1f bis $quiet,r4 br 2f 0: tst nottflg beq 1f mov $quiet,r4 2: mov r4,r2 1: com r2 .endif jsr pc,*$0 / get the inode specified in r0 iget: add $INOFF,r0 mov r0,r5 ash $-4.,r0 bic $!7777,r0 mov r0,dno clr r0 jsr pc,rblk bic $!17,r5 mul $INOSIZ,r5 add $buf,r5 mov $inod,r4 1: mov (r5)+,(r4)+ cmp r4,$inod+INOSIZ blo 1b rts pc / read a mapped block / offset in file is in bno. / skip if success, no skip if fail / the algorithm only handles a single / indirect block. that means that / files longer than NDIRIN+128 blocks cannot / be loaded. rmblk: add $2,(sp) mov bno,r0 cmp r0,$NDIRIN blt 1f mov $NDIRIN,r0 1: mov r0,-(sp) asl r0 add (sp)+,r0 add $addr+1,r0 movb (r0)+,dno movb (r0)+,dno+1 movb -3(r0),r0 bne 1f tst dno beq 2f 1: jsr pc,rblk mov bno,r0 inc bno sub $NDIRIN,r0 blt 1f ash $2,r0 mov buf+2(r0),dno mov buf(r0),r0 bne rblk tst dno bne rblk 2: sub $2,(sp) 1: rts pc read = 100 reset = 60 busy = 10 rxc0 = 174204 rxc1 = 174206 rxc2 = 174210 rxca = 174222 rxdb = 174220 rxsc = 174224 / rx50 disk driver. / low order address in dno, / high order in r0. rblk: mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov dno,r1 ashc $1,r0 / multiply by CLSIZE mov $buf,r2 / get buffer addr 3: bit $busy,*$rxc0 / test for busy from init ... beq 3b div $10.,r0 / set up disk addr asl r1 / perform sector skew and interleave mov r0,r3 clr r0 div $10.,r0 add r0,r1 asl r3 add r3,r1 clr r0 div $10.,r0 inc r1 mov r1,*$rxc2 / assign sector # to register asr r3 inc r3 / offset to track 1 mov r3,r1 clr r0 div $80.,r0 mov r1,*$rxc1 / assign track # to register mov $read,*$rxc0 / start read clr *$rxsc / go 2: bit $busy,*$rxc0 / check for read done beq 2b mov $512.,r3 clr *$rxca 1: movb *$rxdb,(r2)+ / move it into the buffer sob r3,1b 2: cmp $buf+512.,r2 / see it first or second sector bmi 2f / goodbye mov dno,r1 / set up for second sector clr r0 ashc $1,r0 / multiply by CLSIZE inc r1 br 3b / read another one 2: mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 / restore registers and return mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc tks = 177560 tkb = 177562 / read and echo a teletype character / if *cp is nonzero, it is the next char to simulate typing / after the defnm is tried once, read a name from the console getc: movb *cp, r0 beq 2f inc cp .if readname br putc 2: mov $tks,r0 inc (r0) 1: tstb (r0) bge 1b mov tkb,r0 bic $!177,r0 cmp r0,$'A blo 2f cmp r0,$'Z bhi 2f add $'a-'A,r0 .endif 2: tps = 177564 tpb = 177566 / print a teletype character putc: .if putname tst nottflg / test for console bgt 2f 3: tstb *$tps bge 3b mov r0,*$tpb 2: cmp r0,$'\r bne 1f mov $'\n,r0 br putc 1: cmp r0,$'\n bne 4f mov $'\r,r0 4: .endif rts pc cp: defnm defnm: <boot\r\0> end: inod = ..-512.-BSIZE / room for inod, buf, stack addr = inod+ADDROFF / first address in inod buf = inod+INOSIZ bno = buf+BSIZE dno = bno+2 nottflg = dno+2 names = nottflg+2