Overcoming disklabel problems when installing 4.3BSD-Quasijarus0,
			4.3BSD-Tahoe, or 4.3BSD-Reno

				By Michael Sokolov

1. Scope

This note applies to my 4.3BSD-Quasijarus0 release, as well as to VAX builds of
CSRG's 4.3BSD-Tahoe and 4.3BSD-Reno releases. It does NOT apply to plain 4.3BSD
which does not have disk labels of any kind.

2. Problem Description

Suppose you want to install one of the above systems on a typical MicroVAX with
all MSCP disks made by hell knows whom and attached to MSCP controllers also
made by hell knows whom. Such disks are clearly not present in the kernel's
hard-coded tables, and clearly one must use disk labels in order to use such
disks. This is just an example, a large VAX can also have funny MSCP disks and
hey, the kernel just can't know about every disk in the world. Also it may be
the case that you consider the kernel's default partitioning unusable, in which
case you would also want disk labels.

The problem is that when CSRG added disk labels to the system in the Tahoe
release, they didn't bother to make any kind of standalone disk labeling
facility. Eventually I will implement one in Quasijarus, but I haven't got
around to that yet. Thus for 4.3BSD-Quasijarus0 you still have to use some
dirty tricks to get the initial label on the disk.

How exactly does the lack of standalone disklabel support hit you? What happens
is that when the kernel or any of the standalone utilities sees an unlabeled
MSCP disk for which it doesn't have a default label, it creates an in-core
label that defines partition a covering the entire disk and no other
partitions. In particular, there is no partition for swapping. Therefore, even
if you do manage to get the miniroot onto the disk somehow, you will not be
able to boot it. The BSD UNIX kernel is not designed to run without swap space,
ever. Custom kernels have swap device major and minor numbers compiled in, and
the generic kernel always puts swap on partition b. That's right, _ALWAYS_.
Even when you boot the miniroot from parition b itself. The reason it doesn't
swap on top of itself is not because it disables swapping (it can't do that),
but because it excludes the first n sectors from swapping (n being the size of
the miniroot) and swaps on the rest of partition b. Gettind back to unlabeled
disks, if you try to boot the miniroot from an unlabeled MSCP disk for which
there is no default label, the kernel will panic because there is no partition
b defined.

Therefore, the often-suggested approach of making a MicroVAX boot tape with
tmscpboot at the beginning, booting from it, copying the miniroot, and booting
it won't do you any good in most cases. Instead, I offer an alternative
approach, which I have used myself to get my OS running for the very first

3. Proposed Solution

3.1. Requirements

This approach does not use the miniroot or the tape bootstrap file, so you
don't need to download them. You only need the full root dump, the tar image of
/usr and, if you want them, the sources. (The kernel sources are practically

However, there is another significant requirement. You need a copy of Ultrix,
either the distribution tapes or an existing installation.

You also need at least two disks, one to hold Ultrix (at least during
installation) and one to actually install BSD on. One of them must be unit 0.

3.2. Procedure

First, if Ultrix isn't already installed on the VAX, install it. You need to
actually install it and not just boot from the Ultrix tape and go into
maintenance mode, since you'll need to compile and run a program under it
(described below). Generally things are simpler when the BSD disk is unit 0, so
I recommend installing Ultrix on a disk other than 0. This is not critical,
however, so if you have Ultrix on disk 0 you can still install BSD on another

Then you will need to download the special package I have prepared. It consists
of the 4.3BSD-Quasijarus0 disklabel program sources packaged up to compile
under Ultrix. It is is the file bsd_dlabel_under_ult.tar.gz. Download, unpack,
and compile it (there is a Makefile in there). This is how you will put the BSD
disk label on the disk.

The essense of the procedure is to label the disk under Ultrix, use Ultrix to
extract the root and /usr filesystems onto it, and then just boot from it. What
makes this possible in the first place is that BSD and Ultrix have compatible
filesystems. However, you have to make sure that when you create filesystems
under Ultrix, you put them precisely in the right locations on the disk where
BSD will expect to find them. In practice this means that you will need to put
both a BSD label and an Ultrix label on the disk, and that the two must agree
on the locations and sizes of all partitions. (Ultrix has its own disk labeling
mechanism completely independent from and incompatible with the BSD one.
However, BSD and Ultrix put their labels in completely different locations on
the disk, so they can coexist.)

First you need to decide on how you are going to partition your disk and create
a disktab(5) entry for it. If you are a fan of diskpart(8), there is a copy of
this program on the Ultrix unsupported subsets tape. (It's an ancient version,
though, so you'll have to manually edit its output a bit before putting it into
/etc/disktab.) If you aren't comfortable with diskpart(8), don't worry about
it. A handheld calculator will do just as fine.

The BSD disklabel program you have just compiled will use this disktab(5) entry
to create the label, thus this entry must have the required fields. For each
partition from a to h, you need a px#n entry and an ox#m entry, where x is the
partition letter, n is the size in sectors, and m is the starting sector.

Now it's time to actually do it: put the BSD and Ultrix labels on the disk and
create the root and /usr filesystems. However, because of the way Ultrix
chpt, Ultrix newfs, and BSD disklabel work, this must be done in a very
specific and non-trivial order. Under Ultrix whenever you newfs partition a, it
automatically smacks the Ultrix bootblocks to it. This means that if you try
to put the BSD label on the disk before creating the root filesystem, the
Ultrix newfs will simply trash the BSD label you have just created. Thus the
BSD label must be created last. The Ultrix label must be created first,
however, since without it you won't be able to create the filesystems.

The normal procedure is thus to create the Ultrix label with chpt, newfs the
root and /usr filesystems, and then create the BSD label with disklabel. There
is one more gotcha, though. Ultrix keeps its label in the superblock, so chpt
won't work unless there is a filesystem on partition a or c already. Therefore,
unless you have chosen to use the Ultrix default as your partitioning, you'll
have to newfs a dummy filesystem on partition a, chpt the disk with the
partitioning you want, newfs partition a and your /usr partition again, and
then create the BSD label with disklabel.

When you run the BSD disklabel program, you will usually need to specify the
bootblock filenames on its command line. For MicroVAXen these are rdboot and
bootrd. They are present in the distributed /usr image under mdec.

When your filesystems and labels are all done, mount the filesystems under
Ultrix and extract the distributed root and /usr images onto them normally.

If your BSD disk is unit 0, you are all set! Shut down Ultrix and reboot! Yay!

If, however, unit 0 is the Ultrix disk, there is one more step. The currently
existing MicroVAX boot mechanism always loads the /boot program from unit 0.
Thus you will need to copy it from the extracted BSD root filesystem to your
Ultrix root filesystem. The Ultrix boot program is called /ultrixboot instead
of /boot, so putting the BSD /boot in the root partition of the Ultrix disk
won't interfere with Ultrix in any way.

Then when you want to boot BSD, you will have to do B/2 or B/3 and enter
ra(n,0)vmunix at the ':' prompt, where n is the unit number of the BSD disk.
Doing this every time is a royal pita, which is why I recommend putting BSD on
unit 0.

3.3. Final remarks

The above procedure will get you going. When you are satisfied with your new
BSD system, there is one more step you can do. There are two filesystem flavors
out there: 4.2/4.3 vintage and Tahoe vintage. Ultrix filesystems are exactly
the same as 4.3BSD ones, so initially your new BSD filesystems will be 4.2/4.3
vintage, since they have been created under Ultrix.

The versions of BSD described in this note normally have Tahoe vintage
filesystems, which have certain improvements, but they also fully support
4.2/4.3 vintage ones, which makes the installation procedure described in this
note possible.

Since Tahoe vintage filesystems are better and more native for the systems in
question, when you are fully satisfied with your new BSD system, you will
probably want to convert its filesystems to Tahoe vintage. This is done by
running fsck -c on each of them.

According to Tahoe docs, 4.2/4.3 vintage systems treat Tahoe vintage
filesystems as read-only, but experiment shows that Ultrix refuses to mount
them at all. Therefofe, convert your filesystems only when you are sure that
you will never need to mount them under Ultrix again.